Monday, July 16, 2007

1914 Tesla patent first reference in 6 July 07 article in Science

The first reference of a paper ("Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances" by Andre Kurs et al) in the 6 July 07 issue of Science (317 Science 83)is a 93-year-old patent, US 1,119,732 issued to Nikola Tesla in the year 1914. Just because a patent is not commercialized does NOT mean the ideas within it are not significant to society.

IPBiz had previously noted that the first reference within one of Jan-Hendrik Schon's papers was to a patent to Lilienfeld which accurately foretold the field effect transistor. In fact, claims in at least one of Bell Labs early patent applications on the transistor were rejected over the Lilienfeld patent. Just because a patent is not commercialized does NOT mean its contents have no relevance. This reality eludes the many non-scientists writing about patent reform, including Jaffe and Lerner, Bessen, and Lemley.

See earlier IPBiz post from August 18, 2004.

UPDATE. 8 January 2011. Note post on LoTiempoLaw:
Inventors Hall of Fame: Nikola Tesla

Tesla also showcased his invention at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair where he and Westinghouse won the bid to illuminate the International Exhibition.


When thinking about the 1900 turn-of-the-century you don't think of high-tech but Nikola Tesla certainly was one of the geniuses of the century. One of the most interesting patents I found was US patent number 685,958 for a Method of Using Radiant Energy.

If you look closely at the original patent drawing below you can see someone hand wrote: "electric stepping motor energized by corpuscular energy from the sun." Was this the precursor of the Solar Panel?

This reminds me of how in 1880 Alexander Graham Bell invented the photophone-transmission of sound on a beam of light- a precursor of today's optical fiber systems.


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