Saturday, September 18, 2021

U.S. national Covid death rate remains at 3.1 for 7 DAY DEATH RATE PER 100, of: September 17, 2021 12:38 PM ET

With the national death rate at 3.1 per seven days per 100,000, the most problematic states are:

Idaho 8.6 Georgia 8.2 Louisiana 8.1 Alabama 7.7 Arkansas 7.5 South Carolina 7.1 Texas 7.1 Mississippi 6.9 West Virginia 6.9 Wyoming 6.7 Tennessee 6 North Carolina 4.9 Oklahoma 4.8 Nevada 4.6 Washington 3.9 Virgin Islands 3.8 Kansas 3.7 Oregon 3.6 Montana 3.3 Hawaii 3.2 Arizona 3 Kentucky 3 Missouri 3 Illinois 2.5 Indiana 2.5 Puerto Rico 2.5 Utah 2.4 Virginia 2.4 Rhode Island 2.2 New Mexico 2.1 Ohio 2.1 Pennsylvania 2.1 Iowa 2 South Dakota 1.9 Maryland 1.8 North Dakota 1.8 Vermont 1.8 Colorado 1.7 Wisconsin 1.6

Note that Hawaii, at 3.2, is now above the national average of 3.1.

New Jersey and Florida are below the national average:

New Jersey 1.4 New York* 1.4 Delaware 1.3 Florida 1.3 Massachusetts 1.3 New Hampshire 1.2 Minnesota 1.1 New York City* 1.1 Connecticut 0.9 Nebraska 0.9 Michigan 0.7 California 0.5


UPDATE. Data as of September 18, 2021 2:50 PM ET. Posted: September 18, 2021 4:30 PM ET
The death rate went up to 3.2: 7 DAY DEATH RATE PER 100,000 = 3.2

The "bad" states as of September 18, 2021 2:50 PM ET. Posted: September 18, 2021 4:30 PM ET:

labama 10.9 West Virginia 9.1 Idaho 8.6 Georgia 7.9 South Carolina 7.9 Louisiana 7.8 Arkansas 7.1 Texas 7 Wyoming 6.7 Tennessee 6.6 Mississippi 5.5 North Carolina 5.2 Oklahoma 4.7 Nevada 4.6 Montana 4 Hawaii 3.7 Kentucky 3.7 Oregon 3.7 Washington 3.7 Kansas 3.4 Arizona 3.2 Missouri 3.1 Virgin Islands 2.9 New Mexico 2.7 Ohio 2.7 Illinois 2.6 Indiana 2.6 Virginia 2.5 Puerto Rico 2.4 Pennsylvania 2.2 Vermont 2.1 Iowa 2 Utah 2 Rhode Island 1.8 South Dakota 1.8 Colorado 1.7 Maryland 1.7 North Dakota 1.7 Maine 1.6 Wisconsin 1.6 Alaska 1.4 Massachusetts 1.4 New Jersey 1.4 New York* 1.4 Delaware 1.3 New Hampshire 1.2 Connecticut 1.1

Note that Hawaii jumped from 3.2 to 3.7.
Florida is at 1

New Jersey 1.4 New York* 1.4 Delaware 1.3 New Hampshire 1.2 Connecticut 1.1 Minnesota 1.1 Florida 1 Michigan 0.9 New York City* 0.9 California 0.8 Nebraska 0.8

In terms of new CASES, the national average is 7 DAY CASE RATE PER 100,000 301 [Data as of Sept. 17]

The "bad" states are

West Virginia 765.3 Tennessee 764 Guam 714.9 Alaska 664.5 Wyoming 658.8 South Carolina 609.7 Montana 537.3 Kentucky 517 Idaho 474.4 North Carolina 466.9 Mississippi 440.2 Ohio 435.2 North Dakota 427.9 Indiana 413 Georgia 410 Texas 404 Oklahoma 373.1 South Dakota 367.9 Alabama 367.6 Arkansas 363.1 Utah 357 Florida 353.2 Delaware 338.5 Oregon 317.1 Iowa 314.4 Kansas 298.5


CDC | Data as of: September 17, 2021 12:38 PM ET. Posted: September 17, 2021 2:49 PM


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