Saturday, September 11, 2021

On September 11, 2021, the national 7 DAY COVID DEATH RATE PER 100,000 is 2.5; Hawaii at 1.9, and Florida at 0.9

On September 11, 2021 the national Covid death rate per 100,000 people per week as 2.5. For the individual sates:

ouisiana 7.5 Texas 6 Arkansas 5.9 Georgia 5.9 Oklahoma 5.8 Mississippi 5.7 Alabama 5.3 West Virginia 5 Guam 4.8 Kansas 4.7 South Carolina 4.7 Idaho 4.5 Nevada 3.9 Missouri 3.6 Wyoming 3.6 Kentucky 3.5 Oregon 3.4 Indiana 3.2 Tennessee 3.1 Washington 3 Virgin Islands 2.9 Arizona 2.6 Puerto Rico 2.6 New Mexico 2.5 Montana 2.2 North Carolina 2.2 Utah 2 Hawaii 1.9 Illinois 1.8 Ohio 1.8 Rhode Island 1.8 Virginia 1.8 Maine 1.6 Maryland 1.6 Wisconsin 1.6 Colorado 1.4 Pennsylvania 1.4 South Dakota 1.4 New York* 1.3 Alaska 1.2 Delaware 1.2 New Jersey 1.2 North Dakota 1.2 New Hampshire 1.1 Iowa 1 Florida 0.9 Massachusetts 0.9 New York City* 0.9 Connecticut 0.8 California 0.7 Michigan 0.7 Minnesota 0.6 Nebraska 0.5 Vermont 0.5 District of Columbia 0.4

CDC | Data as of: September 11, 2021 12:32 PM ET. Posted: September 11, 2021 1:40 PM ET


In terms of deaths, not normalized per 100,000:

Texas 1,734 Georgia 621 Louisiana 349 California 287 Alabama 259 South Carolina 243 Illinois 231 North Carolina 231 Oklahoma 231 Washington 227 Missouri 219 Tennessee 214 Indiana 213
(...) Hawaii 27

In terms of new Covid infections (national average: 7 DAY CASE RATE PER 100,000 286.2):

Guam 660.6 West Virginia 629.3 Kentucky 623.8 South Carolina 602.4 Alaska 594.4 Wyoming 593.9 Tennessee 584.9 Alabama 541.1 Georgia 476.2 Florida 427.7 Oklahoma 425.8 Texas 422.9 Idaho 396.5 Montana 395.6 Indiana 391.6 Arkansas 390.1 North Dakota 389.5 Mississippi 387.2 Ohio 380.6 Kansas 344.3 Louisiana 337.2 South Dakota 329.7 Utah 329.1 Hawaii 308.3

From The CDC reveals how much the delta variant really infects fully vaccinated people including the text: The study said that during the specific time frame of April 4–June 19, fully vaccinated people accounted for 5% of total COVID-19 cases, 7% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and 8% of deaths overall. These percentages were higher during June 20 to July 17 time frame, when fully vaccinated people accounted for 18% of cases, 14% of hospitalizations and 16% of deaths, per the CDC.


However, from June 20 to July 17, the CDC expected fully vaccinated people to represent 10% of cases — not 18%. The 18% number would have been expected if vaccine efficacy was at 80%.
The article did not get into the issue that un-vaxxed people might be maintaining a riskier lifestyle, thus incr3easing their exposure in time and place to people "loaded" with virus particles.
Also, from the Courier News on 10 September 2021

UPDATE on September 13, 2021

7 DAY DEATH RATE PER 100,000 2.5

CDC | Data as of: September 12, 2021 11:53 AM ET. Posted: September 12, 2021 1:12 PM ET

Some states:

New Mexico 2.5 Montana 2.2 North Carolina 2.2 Utah 2 Hawaii 1.9 Illinois 1.8 Ohio 1.8 Rhode Island 1.8 Virginia 1.8 Maine 1.6 Maryland 1.6 Wisconsin 1.6 Colorado 1.4 Pennsylvania 1.4 South Dakota 1.4 New York* 1.3 Alaska 1.2 Delaware 1.2 New Jersey 1.2 North Dakota 1.2 New Hampshire 1.1


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