Sunday, October 07, 2012

CBS Sunday Morning on October 7, 2012

Charles Osgood introduced the stories for October 7, 2012. Sometimes the name of the street says it all. Here "K Street". Cheryl Atkinson does the cover story on lobbying in Washington, the third largest business in Washington. Second, Mo Rocca on discovering Christopher Columbus. Third, Anthony Mason interviews Pete Townshend of The Who. Fourth, Bill Geist on women in baseball. Fifth, Rita Braver on HOmer, David Martin on Iran, frozen food. Headlines: Federal health officials on tainted steroid in 9 states. Terrorism suspects appear in court. Pakistan protests against drone strikes. Israel says it shot down unmanned drone. Price of gasoline at all time high (4.61 average) in California. Big Bird on Saturday Night Live. Weather: Cold Canadian air pushing down, but Columbus Day warmer.

K Street Northwest is home of influential lobbyists. Professor James Thurber teaches course at American University. Pizza as a vegetable on school lunch menus. Gary Lauer of eHealthInsurance. Wanted high credibility lobbyists to change rules of health care reform. Lobbyist Lanny Davis represented eHealth. Be passionate and truthful. But most people think your are sleazy. Davis of PurpleNation. Davis was fraternity brother of Pres. Bush. Mary Bono Mack greets Davis with a kiss. Clip of Davis visiting PA Congressman Chaka Fattah. Issue of walking right up to the line. Issue of buying access. Prof. Thurber: the iron law of reciprocity. Ingrained in The Hill. Non-transparent. Clip of Key Largo resort. Boat: the Good Life. Campaigns are very expensive. 1876 law required lobbyists to register with the clerk. Public Citizen: 43% from 1998 to 2005 of Congressman who left Congress became lobbyists. Lobbyist: Jack Abramoff. Thurber on Obama: in 2008 Obama promised to reform lobbyists; he failed. Example: Obamacare. 40 lobbyists argued about placement of a comma in legislation. Story illustrated that eHealth lobbying succeeded. Process involved influence. Issue: legislation has words written by lobbyists.
Pulse: 58% of those polled say former Congressman should NOT be lobbyists. 22% said yes.

Almanac. Oct. 7, 1956. Clarence Birdseye died. Bridseye noted fish froze in cold air, and could be eaten later. Had to frozen fast. Invented double belted freezer. In 1929, he sold patents to General Foods for 22 million dollars. Birdesye freezes flavor. Frozen foods got boost during World War II. Then in 1950's, eating dinner in front of television.

Winslow Homer done by Rita Braver. Beauty of Maine's coast. Realist and a naturalist. Power of nature in a single wave. Prout's Neck, a few miles outside of Portland, from 1883 until his death. Portland Museum of Art. Home purchased from member of family. Homer was a character and curmudgeon. Born in Boston in 1836. His mother was a water colorist. Homer did paintings during Civil War. Painting: Artists sketching in the White Mountains. Snap the Ship. Breezing Up. His older brother Charles bought land on Prout's Neck to build a family compound. Weather Beaten. Fox Hunt. The crow's are hunting the fox. Homer died in 1910, in his studio. Homer is part of American psyche.

Pumpkins. Steve Hartman. David Fairix. The shell of the pumphin couldn't hold weight? Holy Grail was the one ton pumpkin. Ron Wallace in Green, Rhode Island. 2009 pound pumpkin. [This story recycled from CBS News.] Warren, Rhode Island contest. Second pumpkin weighed 1872 pounds.

You can teach a rhesus monkey to be a director in a day. David Martin on Affleck movie. Iran Hostage Crisis. Another rescue mission. Tony Mendez. 32 years ago. Ben Affleck in Argo, based on a true story. Exfiltrate. Cover story that is so strange it must be true. John Goodman. Argo: Buck Rodgers meets the Middle East.
Real movie: backstop. Studio 6 productions. Hollywood pitch. Canadian passport. Cameraman for Studio 6 productions. See you later, exfiltrator. Quantreau. Everything was Canadian. Waived through to departure lounge for Swiss Air. Jimmy Carter congratulated Mendez in private. The CIA did it. Henry W. Collins. How well backstopped.

Sunday Passage. Tuesday would have been John Lennon's 72 birthday. Lennon was an art student when he met Paul. Sketch books from 1964 to 1980. Exhibit opened last week; moves on to Connecticut, and other places.

Bill Geist on women in baseball history. Mary Pratt pitched a no hitter for the Rockford Peaches in 1943. Grand Rapids Chicks. $50 per week. May Belle Blair, pitcher. 47 players re-united in Cooperstown. Diamond Dreams. Short tunics were uniforms. Alexandris, Va. for spring training. No slacks. Skirts or dresses. The league started in 1943 and folded in 1954. Movie: A league of their own. Alliance Bank Stadium in Syracuse. May Belle coached a team.

My Generation of the Who in 1966. Anthony Mason does Sunday Profile. Windmill windup stolen from Keith Richards. London 1963. Townshend decided to "own" the windmill. Sold more than 100 million records. Autobiography: Who I am. [Release date of book is Oct. 11, 2012] Tangos are best for rock and roll. Cruise on the Zephyr, a boat he built himself. Throw bottles at Houses of Parliament. I can see for miles. Tommy. Pete was the Who's main songwriter. Troubled childhood. Father was a sax player. At age 6, sent away to grandmother. An inconvenience to his parents. Can't understand being abandoned. Difficult to get past. Feeling in Tommy. Deeper recesses of subconscious. Pete didn't like chaos of Woodstock. Keith Moon. 1973. Moon was dead by 1978. John Entwhistle. Entwhistle died in 2002 at age 57. Roger Daltry. Forgive each other our defects. Townshend arrested in porn sweep in 2003. Townshend in 1999 used a credit card to show "how easy" to log onto a porn site. Townshend now 67.

Mo Rocca on Columbus. Tatsu Nishi. On Oct. 8, 2012, Columbus Day is federal holiday. Leif Erickson. Passion for recording what Columbus did. Sailors told Columbus this is new world. Columbus thought it was China. Columbus Day started in 1937 as a political move. Brutality in treating Indians. Thousands of Indians committed suicide. Karl Frank, Jr. wants to rename holiday. Exploration Day.

Sunday morning calendar. Sky Dive in New Mexico. Sandusky sentenced. Nobel Prizes.
Satuday: baseball league championships get under way.

Opinion by Ben Stein. First presidential debate. In Obama, saw a man of dignity and quick with a quip. Romeny: facile with numbers. Presidential dignity in both men. Two men wanted the job to help other people. THis was least rancorous debate Ben Stein has ever seen. No hatred, no talk of punishment. Larry King asked Stein "who won" and Stein said America won.

Next week. Sharon Osborne.

Moment of nature. Spiriva HandiHaler. Call of the wild. Coyotes in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park.


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