Saturday, July 10, 2010

Invisibility cloaks

The 25 June 2010 issue of Science has an article titled "Invisibility cloaks for visible light must remain tiny, theorists predict" (328 Science 1621) which includes mention of work by David Smith on an invisibility cloak for microwaves.

The next page (1622) has an article "Critics [of global warming] are less prominent than supporters," which includes "Those who believe in anthropogenic climate change rank, on average, much higher in the scientific pecking order than do those who take issue with the idea." Yes, citation analysis was part of the package: "the so-called convinced group had an average of 172 citations for their top paper compared with 105 for the unconvinced." Within the article was the text "pathological politicization of climate science," attributed to Roger Pielke of UColorado/Boulder. The author of "Critics," is, you guessed it, Eli Kintisch, the one man "misinterpretation of patent law" crew.

**Of the citation analysis, note a comment to the Chronicle article Wondering How You Stack Up Intellectually?

I really enjoy having good ideas, and being around others that have good ideas. That led me to a life in academia, but my life in academia has not been without a fair amount of frustration and disappointment. What I consider to be my best ideas have been dismissed out of hand, and my derivative ideas, although accepted as canonical (and therefore publishable) must be described in a writing style that conforms to what editors and referees deem appropriate.

Hmmm, the best ideas have an invisibility cloak, and the derivative ideas, which confirm the beliefs of others, get published?
In patent law, one has 35 USC 102(f).

**Of Kintisch

Kintisch article in Science challenged in Sept. 06 JPTOS

Bias of Eli Kintisch shows in "Small Win for Wisconsin in Stem Cell Fight "


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