Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hwang offers to re-create his work

According to Newsweek, Hwang says he "can re-create his original work in six months." That's interesting. According to the dates of the paper submitted to Science in March 2005, Hwang did all the work on eleven cell lines between January 2005 and March 2005. None of the editors or referees at Science questioned this in March 2005, or at any time in 2005. However, why not accept Hwang's offer, and get to the bottom of this?

From the article:

Get ready for "Hwang-gate" mania. This week investigators at Seoul National University plan to release the final report on their fallen hero, scientist Hwang Woo-suk. The university has already deemed Hwang's much-heralded 2005 study, which claimed to have produced patient-specific embryonic stem cells, a fraud. (Science, the journal that published the study, says it will retract the paper this week after the university presents its findings.) The final report will address two other Hwang studies as well: a 2004 paper claiming he'd created embryonic stem cells from a cloned human embryo for the first time, and an August 2005 report saying he'd cloned a dog named Snuppy. Hwang, meanwhile, says he's not a faker: if someone gives him lab space, he was quoted as saying in a South Korean newspaper, he can re-create his original work in six months. from Newsweek, 16 Jan 06 issue.

Larry Goldstein of the University of California, San Diego, went public, telling NEWSWEEK that he and several colleagues now plan to pursue SCNT as well. A politically active stem-cell researcher—he fought hard for California's $3 billion initiative—Goldstein wants to use the technique to focus on the genetic underpinnings of Alzheimer's: "It's a unique approach to understanding disease."


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