Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Senate Judiciary Committee: patent reform without presumption of fee shifting to losing party

TheHill suggested a new patent reform bill is coming out of the Senate Judiciary Committee:

Bipartisan senators on the Judiciary Committee are close to unveiling legislation to fight so-called patent trolls.

Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told reporters at the National Press Club that negotiators are "close to getting a final agreement," with his office later saying it could come as soon as this week. Another aide familiar with the talks said senators are close to a bill.


The Senate bill will not go as far as the House. While the Senate bill would give judges more latitude to award fees, it will not contain a fee shifting presumption.

Link: http://thehill.com/policy/technology/overnights/240224-overnight-tech-senate-patent-troll-bill-coming-soon


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