"The Hill" on plagiarist Senator John Walsh: The calls are the latest sign that Walsh is a dead man running
Fox News noted a different newspaper had a different proposal, which in fact was the "solution" in the Glenn Poshard plagiarism matter:
The Montana Standard in Butte reached a different, but still damning, conclusion after its editorial board talked with Walsh: “Walsh has offered no suggestions for resolving his error, other than to throw himself on the mercy of the War College board now investigating the plagiarism. So allow us: The senator should immediately forfeit the degree and offer to redo the paper properly.”
Separately, if the Montana newspapers "have it right" on the Walsh matter, then "Inside Higher Ed" has it wrong, and regular people do care about copying without attribution the works of others. Montana measuring up to Germany!
Within a July 30 article by the Missoulian, one finds the text
The War College’s normal sanction for plagiarism is the rescinding of the former student’s degree and his name grinded from a plaque of the graduating class at the college, Betros said. That has been done six times since 1990.
Lesser disciplinary actions, such as verbal counseling, are also an option, but stripping the degree is typical in plagiarism cases, he said.
The college also will conduct a review of its procedures and internal controls in the wake of the Walsh allegations. Betros said he is comfortable with the plagiarism safeguards in place, which includes training faculty to look for triggers such as work that is above a student’s normal abilities or poorly transitioned paragraphs.
The school does not run each student’s paper through an online plagiarism checker. That practice would foster an environment of mistrust among a student body of high-level military officers and senior civilians, Betros said.
“These are highly capable and competent people,” he said. “We assume they are people of high honor.”
That sort of comment is an open invitation for third parties to be running other War College papers through Turnitin, etc. Remember Gary Hart?
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