Sunday, December 09, 2012

"60 Minutes" on December 9, 2012

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Forced confessions in Chicago. Byron Pitts.

Madagascar: plant and animal paradise. Lesley Stahl looks for a rare creature.

Scott Pelley interviewing Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean.

Chicago as the false confession capital of the United States. Now, a Justice Dept. investigation. "60 Minutes" profiles two stories. Terrell Swift. James Harden.
In 1991, Chicago was in the middle of a violent crime wave. Nina D. Glover murder. Terrell, then 17 years old, was questioned for over 12 hours. Terrell signed a 21 page confession. Terrell was sentenced to 30 years. Other case, murder of Catrecia Matthews. Bob Myalin was an assistant prosecutor then. Tunnel vision; locked in.
Former Commander John Birge. Peter Neufeld, of The Innocence Project. Cook County SA Anita Alverez defends actions of police in the two cases reported by "60 Minutes." DNA linked to Johnny Douglas and in the second case to Willie Randolph. Katie Marie Zuhari, 3L, at Northwestern Law School.

"The raise to save the tortoise." Erich Good owns NYC hotels, restaurants. A small Herman's tortoise. China is 100s of millions of dollars in tortoise trade. 90% of Madagascar's forests have been destroyed. The plowshare tortoise. Perhaps only 300 still exist. A shell like an army helmet, gold in color. To preserve, Good scars the tortoise shell. Spider tortoise. Radiated tortoise. Richard Lewis of Durell. Turtle Conservancy. Good has 680 animals. Golden Coin Turtle.

Pelley interviewed Jackman in Australia. Jean Valjean is the holy grail for me.
Hugo wrote the novel in 1862. Knox Grammar School. First job: Correlli. Played Peter Allen, the gay Australian songwriter.


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