Saturday, March 03, 2012

Reporter for The Sentry fired for plagiarism

Andrew Cullen reported on the firing of Michael J. Tobin by The Sentry (of South Portland, Maine) for copying text from articles from The Forecaster and the Current.

Within the article is the text:

On Wednesday [Feb. 29], Tobin admitted he copied content from his competitors, but said he had not realized that doing so was wrong.

“I didn't copy whole stories. I cut and pasted things that were public knowledge, and not what one newspaper got,” although in some cases he copied the lead paragraphs of Moretto's stories, which typically analyze and sum up issues, rather than paraphrase information.

Plagiarism is copying without attribution. Copying part of the story, without attribution, is still plagiarism. Text from the public record may be quoted. Analysis thereof must be attributed to the person doing the analysis.


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