"It’s a friggin’ footnote"
"Law & Order" plotline follows Larry Mendte story and Madoff scam . Vai Sikahema's temper tantrum "Rutgers is Wrong," the video for which subsequently vanished from the internet, led IPBiz to coin the term "sikahema."
Even Philly's tv weathermen have some issues. A graphic account of the recent suspension of Channel 29's John Bolaris is separately rather humorous. Within the text is a disparaging remark about footnotes, which might be offensive to legal scholars:
the [Playboy] interview, which gave Fox29 brass oggida isn’t online, and isn’t even listed on the current issue [January 2012] of Playboy‘s table of contents. Like so many other things in the wild saga of John Bolaris, it’s a friggin’ footnote.
Channel 10's Hurricane Schwartz is mentioned in the piece:
You think fuckin’ Hurricane Schwartz would ever admit to getting drugged twice in pursuit of some cold Eastern European Juicy-Couture disciples? [above italicized text from We Cannot Believe We Missed The Whole Part When John Bolaris Got Suspended Indefinitely For Do-Shot-Gate ]
Actually, Hurricane Schwartz is not necessarily as tame as the bow-tie suggests:
Hurricane Schwartz apologizes for Election Night tantrum
How NBC 10 Is Like Fifth Grade about the incident with Vince DeMentri .
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