Saturday, September 11, 2010

"CBS Sunday Morning" does bed bugs on 12 September 2010

Back during the August 29, 2010 episode, "CBS Sunday Morning" promised an upcoming piece on bed bugs. The bed bug story will in fact be the "cover story" on August 12, 2010:

COVER STORY: What's Bugging Us?
Who would have thought that something so small could panic so many people? Bed bugs are crawling all over the country, and people are responding with a lot of squeamishness, and a lot of scratching. They're also keeping exterminators awfully busy.

Correspondent Martha Teichner takes a close look at bed bugs: Why are infestations increasing? What should you look for? And what can you do about them? And she watches man's best friend get trained to be a bed bug's worst enemy - it turns out a dog's nose is the greatest detection system ever invented.

And if you think this story doesn't apply to you, think again. Entomologists say before too long, every one of us will have to deal one way or another with bed bugs.

Previous "CBS Sunday Morning" references:

"CBS Sunday Morning" on August 29, 2010: recycling again, but with a tip to Katrina

On bed bugs:

The "top 15" U.S. cities for bedbugs

Bedbugs invade Times Square while EPA sleeps


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