Thursday, August 14, 2008

Plagiarism angle in Cameron matter at ASU

MarketWatch notes the plagiarism factor in the current dispute at Arizona State over Professor Cameron:

Dr. Cameron claims in the lawsuit that she was falsely accused of misconduct in order to terminate her status as a tenured faculty member under Board of Regents policies -- the most serious allegation being plagiarism in the construction and use of six course syllabi she made available to students in some of the courses she taught. Dr. Cameron challenged these allegations under the Board of Regents and ASU policies that provided for a hearing before the ASU Faculty Senate's Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure ("CAFT") consisting of five full ASU professors from various disciplines within the university. The complaint in the federal lawsuit alleges that after conducting a full hearing on the matter, CAFT members unanimously found no credible evidence to support two of the three charges and further found that the construction and use of course syllabi was not a clear case of plagiarism and did not justify terminating a tenured faculty member. CAFT unanimously recommended that Dr. Cameron be reinstated to her teaching status and that she undergo a review process where she would be given assistance in the construction and use of course syllabi.

IPBiz asks: does this sound familiar to anyone?


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