Saturday, March 04, 2006

Desforges did not die from peanut butter kiss; caution urged on scientific journals/societies

Coroner Michel Miron states that the sudden death of fifteen-year-old Christina Desforges in November 2005 was not caused by a peanut butter sandwich, contrary to media reports at the time.

As to societies, Miron said he wanted to speak out before the case was mentioned in a forthcoming initiative by the Canadian Association of Food Allergies.

"The Canadian Association of Food Allergies intended to use the Desforges case to launch an education campaign," he told Saguenay's Le Quotidien newspaper.

As to journals, Miron said the teen did not use her syringe to give herself a shot of adrenalin because she didn't have an allergic reaction to peanut butter. Miron said scientific journals had contacted him questioning the use of the adrenalin shot and how it was injected.

Perhaps the Corvallis Gazette-Times will issue a correction:

Christina Desforges, 15, knew her body couldn’t tolerate peanuts, so she avoided the nuts and foods containing them.

But even those precautions weren’t enough.

Desforges kissed her boyfriend nine hours after he’d eaten a peanut butter sandwich. It was enough exposure to the allergen to send her into anaphylactic shock and kill her.

Same for the Toronto Globe and Mail:

The thick, musty scent stung her throat. Her eyes watered. The 15-year-old scanned those sitting around her at the Air Canada Centre and there they were, on the laps of the couple seated directly behind her — peanuts, cracked fresh from the shell.

Ms. Young popped four antihistamine tablets, but by the second period hives broke out.

[Maybe the Globe and Mail can correct their earlier misstated article on NTP v. RIM, too!!]

UPDATE. March 6.

A story on USAToday through AP suggests the possible cause of Desforges' death:

"Elements of the investigation tell us peanut butter was not responsible," Miron told the AP. Miron said clinical indicators have eliminated peanut as the cause for her death and said it appeared the girl suffered from "cerebral anoxia," or lack of oxygen to the brain, which caused serious damage.

When asked to comment on reports that the girl also suffered from asthma and believed she was suffering from an asthma attack before she collapsed, Miron said this was part of the investigation that he could not discuss.

[IPBiz post 1303]


Blogger Jeff Vachon said...

Ah, but what causes asthma? ALLERGIES! I still suspect the peanuts.

3:00 PM  

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