Saturday, February 04, 2006

Posting on websites and underlying falsities in Doe v. Cahill

A friend sent me text "Big demand, big pay" from CNNMoney about supposedly great employment opportunities in patent law. He knew that I knew the text wasn't true. Many registered patent attorneys, including those with Ph.D.'s, are unemployed. We have been through similar discussions about so-called shortages of scientists, when in fact there are unemployed scientists everywhere. I attempted to post some of the patent law text on an internet board, for people who might take issue with the truth of the matter. The board would not post it. The belief of the Delaware Supreme Court in Doe v. Cahill, 884 A2d 451, of the availability of boards to freely present and discuss issues is a bit counter to reality. The situation is no different from submissions to newspapers, journals, or law reviews. Sometimes they print comments, and sometimes they don't.

Here is the text:

5 careers: Big demand, big pay
If you're in one of the jobs listed here, you may be able to negotiate a sweet pay hike for yourself when changing employers.
By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer
February 3, 2006: 10:08 AM EST


Intellectual property attorneys specializing in patent law and the legal secretaries who have experience helping to prepare patent applications are highly desirable these days.

The most in demand are those lawyers with not only a J.D. but also an advanced degree in electrical and mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biotechnology, pharmacology or computer science.

Even those patent lawyers who just have an undergraduate degree in those fields have a leg up.

Patent lawyers working for a law firm might make $125,000 to $135,000 to start or about $90,000 if they work for a corporation that's trying to get a patent or to protect one they already have. With a couple of years' experience, they can expect a 10 percent jump or better when they get another job.


The NBC affiliate in Philadelphia (channel 10) had a news story about a blogger who was fired from his job at the Dover (DE) Post for remarks made on his personal blog. The NBC reporter said that this story would become a big deal in the news. Although many blogs have discussed it, the story has not been a big deal in the printed press. The ACLU declined to take the blogger's case because they felt the blogger was stuck with the terms of at will employment. [If you look not too hard in law review literature, you will find that one professor proclaimed that at will employment is dead. No, it wasn't the Stanford prof who misidentified the inventor of the integrated circuit in Patenting Nanotechnology, 58 Stan. L. Rev. 601, 612 (2005)]


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