Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bubble trouble ready to burst

Further to bubble trouble, one reader wanted to know why I felt that university administrators ought to read the letter by Congressman Brad Miller to the President of Purdue University.

The first point I would make is for readers of the Miller letter to think about how the Miller letter might have been alternatively written, merely to get the point across to Purdue that some people are concerned about the result of the investigation and want to review the matter.

The second point I would make is for readers of the Miller letter to think about how university administrators might react to the letter, as written.

The third point is to think about how the Baltimore investigation was handled. I wrote about this in 1999 in the "Life and Weird Times of Scientific Evidence." Note also that there was a law review article on the Baltimore case with the interesting title "Thank God for Lawyers," which may be providing inspiration for the folks at Purdue.

More later.


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