Saturday, June 19, 2021

Covid: does a higher fraction of "fully vaccinated" imply a lower fraction of covid infections? May be not.

As of 19 June 2021, the CDC reported the 10 "worst" states for Covid infections per 100,000 (7 day average) were

[Virgin Islands 77.4] Wyoming 71.4 Missouri 70.8 Colorado 63.2 Utah 62.5 Arkansas 57.3 Florida 47 Washington 43.5 Louisiana 43 Arizona 40.2 Oregon 40.2

CDC | Data as of: June 19, 2021 12:24 PM ET. Posted: June 19, 2021 1:40 PM ET link:

One notes that the 7th "worst" state [Washington] is ninth "best" state in terms of vaccination, with the percentage of population fully vaccinated: 51.08. Similarly, Oregon the tenth "worst" state is the 12th "best" state in terms of vaccination, with Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 50.4.

Back in April 2021, New Jersey was one of the "worst" states for Covid infections. Now, at 19.5 infections per 100,000, New Jersey is one of the better states:

North Carolina 21.2 Maine 19.8 New Jersey 19.5 Guam 18.7 Iowa 18.6 South Carolina 18.1 Ohio 17.8 Pennsylvania 17.4 Michigan 15.7 New York City* 15.7 Minnesota 15.6 Rhode Island 15.6 Illinois 15.5 Tennessee 14.6 New Hampshire 13.6 New York* 12.9 District of Columbia 11.5 California 10.6 Puerto Rico 10.2 Maryland 8.9 Massachusetts 8.8 Connecticut 7.7 Federated States of Micronesia N/A Virginia 11.4 Wisconsin 10 Nebraska 8.7 Vermont 6.9 South Dakota 6.6

New Jersey is number 7 in vaccinations, Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 53.34, BUT note that the "best" state for infections [South Dakota] is only number 25 for vaccinations, at Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 44.09. AND two "Southern" states, South Carolina and Tennessee, are "safer" than New Jersey, but have lower vax numbers [ SC at #40 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 36.28 and Tenn at #45 at Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 33.92 ] link for vax numbers: States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated: June 17 Katie Adams - Updated Thursday, June 17th, 2021

link for Covid infections:


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