Saturday, February 27, 2021

Does the State of New Jersey need new computers for covid vaccination registration, or more thought?

A guest article by Anthony Bucco in the February 27, 2021 issue of the Newark Star-Ledger illustrates how under-equipped and under-manned the State of New Jersey was to handle the computer aspect of the unemployment and vaccination tasks asked of New Jersey in the Covid crisis.

The Department of Labor has been handling unemployment claims badly since before the crisis. Even certified letters go unanwered. The State of New Jersey covid website handles only a minority of the places nominally having Covid vaccine. Even at that, the state website told Somerset County residents that they were not Somerset County residents, and therefore were not eligible to get a vaccination at RVCC.

A different, less critical, story comes out of attorney registration, which nominally had a deadline of February 26, 2021. Some screenshots tell the story. Attorneys are duly notified of the need to file by February 26 AND given a contact email if difficulties arise

This is the final week to timely complete the required annual attorney registration and paymentonline. The 2021 deadline for registration and payment is Friday, February 26, 2021. Registrations completed afterFriday, February 26, 2021 will be subject to late fees and assessment charges.

Please contact the Superior Court Clerk's Office by phone at 609-421-6100 or by email at with any questions related to this message.

[one notes that spelling is not a strong point]

If one naively sent an email request for assistance (as per the incoming email), one obtained the following automated message:

***THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE*** Thank you for your inquiry to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. The Superior Court Clerk’s Office is no longer reviewing record requests submitted by email. Pursuant to Supreme Court Order, documents or requests filed with the Court must be submitted electronically through the Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) application or eCourts by attorneys. Please visit to learn more about JEDS and eCourts. For technical support, please emails the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at ******PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING RECORDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERIOR COURT CLERK'S OFFICE ****** ·Transcripts ·Criminal records ·Municipal records ·Most special Civil Part records (DC, SC, LT dockets) ·For these records, please contact the County or Municipal Courthouse for further instruction. Should you have any questions, please contact the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at 609-421-6100 or refer to our web page at Thank you. Superior Court Clerk’s Office 25 Market Street 6N P.O. Box 971 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-421-6100

When one gets through on the 6100 number (about a 30 minute wait), one is told to switch browsers from Chrome to Edge.

Returning to the Bucco article, one suspects there is more needed than just newer computers.


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