Thursday, June 15, 2017

Gene Simmons tries to trademark "sign of the horns" hand gesture

A number of outlets have posted on the Gene Simmons (KISS) trademark application for a hand gesture ("sign of the horns")
[US serial no. 87482739 for a service mark. Filed 9 June 2017 via law firm GORDON, HERLANDS & RANDOLPH LLP].

From the New York Post, Gene Simmons trying to trademark rock ‘n’ roll hand gesture

The long-tongued frontman [Simmons] has filed an application with the US Patent and Trademark Office, seeking trademark ownership of the iconic hand gesture.

He claims the “devil horns” became a part of the band’s act during its Hotter Than Hell tour — on Nov. 14, 1974 to be exact.

While it is used in American Sign Language to represent “I love you,” most know it as the international symbol of rock.


Many music fans have been blasting Simmons for the trademark request, citing all the different places they’ve seen the symbol being used.

Some have even noted how it’s very similar to the motion Spider-man is known to make in movies and his comics, while others have pointed to an album cover for the Beatles’ 1966 single, Yellow Submarine/Eleanor Rigby — which shows John Lennon throwing up the gesture long before KISS was formed.

Yes, there is a New Jersey connection. The owner is listed as Simmons, care of Joseph Young Associates, Ltd., Pine Brook, NEW JERSEY UNITED STATES 07058. The description: The mark consists of a hand gesture with the index and small fingers extended upward and the thumb extended perpendicular.

Yes, NPR is still confused on trademarks (vs. patents). See post Gene Simmons Wants To Patent Hand Gesture.


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