Charles Osgood host of Sunday Morning on August 7, 2016
The cover story was by Lee Cowan, titled --Senior athletes: Going the distance -- One Orville Rogers was interviewed:
"To this day, Lee, I'm the only man in the world who's run a 10-minute mile after age 90," he said. "And I'm the only man in the world who has run a 15-minute mile after age 95. I'm bragging, aren't I?"
There was discussion with Loretta DiPietro, professor and chair of the Exercise and Nutrition Department at George Washington University. A senior named Dixon Hemphill was given a VO2 Max test, to determine how efficiently oxygen was being used by his body.
The almanac noted August 7 is "Purple Heart Appreciation Day," related to an event on August 7, 1782.
A story on Andrew Lloyd Webber was recycled from Dec. 13, 2015.
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