Plagiarism scandal at Daily News attributed to editing, but, in the end, judgment based on results, not intentions?
He [Shaun King] was confident that the plagiarism accusations were false because, he said, he had not been told by editors at The Daily News that his article had been altered. He added that he has a “verbal agreement” with the tabloid that any changes to his work, beyond grammar or punctuation, require his approval and that his writing customarily gets a “light edit.”
“I didn’t see these changes,” Mr. King said. “I wasn’t told, ‘Hey, we deleted this attribution line and made you look like you said it.’ ”
CNN gave further details:
In a post published Thursday on Medium, Jotham Sederstrom explained why he removed attribution from columns written by the activist Shaun King.
According to Sederstrom, those edits -- which Daily News editor-in-chief Jim Rich called "egregious and inexplicable" -- were the result of a faulty publishing system and fatigue.
"In all honesty, the controversy -- a f*** up on my part, to put it bluntly -- comes down to two unintentional, albeit inexcusable, instances of sloppy editing on my part and a formatting glitch that until Tuesday I had no idea was systematically stripping out large blocks of indented quotations each time I moved Shaun's copy from an email to The News' own Content Management System, or 'CMS' as it's called in media parlance," Sederstrom wrote.
"In those two cases where no citation or hyperlink appeared in the column, I believe I likely cut attribution from the top of Shaun's quoted text with the intention of pasting them back inside the block -- only to get distracted with another of the many responsibilities I juggled as an editor," he added.
And see the Daily News: giving a quote:
Daily Beast Executive Editor Noah Shachtman:
“In the end, we are judged not by what’s in our raw copy but what goes up on the printed page or on a website,” he said. “So while I appreciate that there may have been an effort to do attribution, ultimately we are judged by our results, not our intentions.”
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