Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Momentum for Goodlatte Innovation Act slipping away?

The opposition to the Goodlatte Innovation Act may block a vote. From The Hill on the opposition by Heritage Action:

The House should give the system time to adjust to the 2011 reforms before moving forward on another set of transformational reforms," the group's director said in a statement. "Heritage Action opposes H.R. 9. The bill should not come to the floor.”

Elsewhere, there are proposed changes to inter partes review:

Lobbyists for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry are fighting to include a provision that would exempt some FDA-approved drug patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's trial-like reviews, which were set up as a fast and low-cost way to challenge the validity of patents. But some seniors groups have opposed that inclusion.


See also the post by former Congressman Ron Klink (D-Pa.)



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