Monday, October 06, 2014

CBS "The Good Wife" episode titled "Dear God" reprises Monsanto seed patent cases

IPBiz has covered many of the lawsuits brought by Monsanto against individual farmers (e.g., Monsanto whacks farmer David at CAFC ). In the episode "Dear God" broadcast on October 5, 2014, "The Good Wife" added a religious flavor to the discussion, AND had the matter resolved by an agreement made directly by the parties while the lawyers were arguing in the background.

A New York Times blog discussed the scene this way:

What “Dear God” really meant was quite a bit of Richard Thomas, Robert Joy and Robert Sean Leonard as guest stars, which was fine. Mr. Thomas played a Florrick Agos Lockhart client, a wealthy agribusinessman suing a neighboring farmer (Mr. Joy) for infringing on his patent for genetically modified corn. When the two litigants, who were also old friends, both grew upset with the courtroom sparring of their lawyers, they chose to dispense with a judge and have their case settled by a Christian arbitrator (Mr. Leonard) whose gentle approach included ignoring most of the lawyers’ requests for rulings.

It was one of those “Good Wife” episodes in which the tables are turned and we laugh at the lawyers’ frustration when the thing they’re so good at — the courtroom back-and-forth — is taken away from them.

This is not the first dramatization of the Monsanto saga, with "Eleventh Hour" doing a more pernicious version in 2008.
From the IPBiz post
"Eleventh Hour" depicts evil university/industry cabal in biotech

The CBS show "Eleventh Hour" on Dec. 18 [ Agro, a re-broadcast] depicted biotech work gone bad at the fictional University of California/Fillmore. The "buying" of academic research by industry also came in.


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