Sunday, July 13, 2014

Peoples’ Liberation Army doing biofuel from algae?

A story by Steven Mufson titled Why were this company’s computers attacked millions of times this year? Algae. mentions possible hacking attempts, including by the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army .

Curiously, Mufson's story, which was dated July 12, 2014, neglected to mention the algae biofuel deal between Sapphire Energy and the Chinese state petroleum company [Sinopec], announced earlier by Secretary of State Kerry. See Sapphire Energy takes "green crude" to China

Mufson's story does not mention the presence of patents and patent applications, which are published, and freely available to view.

Mufson does refer to an article --Microalgal biodiesel in China: Opportunities and challenges -- which appears in a 2011 issue of Applied Energy which was a special Issue of Energy from algae: Current status and future trends, edited By Yusuf Chisti and Jinyue Yan.

There is mention of a report from Mandiant.



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