Charles Osgood introduced the stories for May 20, 2012. A special edition on islands, ports of call. Susan Spencer does the cover story, on people living alone (no man is an island). Second, Tracy Smith on whistling on the island of
La Gomera. Lee Cowan does man-made islands, drilling rigs. Fourth, Martha Teichner on the thousand islands and the thousand island dressing. Richard Schlesinger, Mo Rocca, Serena Alschuler. Jeff Glor does the headlines for May 20. Earthquake near Bologna. Libya bomber died of cancer. Chinese dissident in New York. Obama in Chicago for NATO summit. Mark Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan. Preakness. Last triple crown winner Affirmed. Solar eclipse 5pm Pacific Time. Alberto. Weather: winning day along the coasts.
Osgood prefaces the Spencer story with Donne quote. Spencer started with Garbo, Thoreau, Hughes. The rise of "living alone" by Erich Kleininberg. 32.7 million Americans live alone. This is like finding an island. One is the loneliest number. Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Cleveland have about 40% households with one person. New Yorker Kate Bollick is interviewed. "What Me Marry." 34.5% of alone people are 65 or older.
Jeff Ragsdale is interviewed. There is nothing worse than being sick by oneself. Jeff posted fliers all over NYC about wanting to talk. Book: Jeff, One Lonely Guy. He got over 70,000 responses. 347-469- 3173 . Roughly one out of seven Americans lives alone.
Tracy Smith on the El Silbo of
La Gomera of the Canary Islands. Shouting can be heard 500 meters, but whistling can be heard for 3000 meters. Words and phrases are defined by altering the pitch. Joaquina Mariana is interviewed. Now, cell phones. The local government requires taking of classes on whistling. Because it's our thing. The cell phone generation is learning to tweet.
Serena Alschuler does the island of Campobello. Roosevelt was treated by islanders as an equal . Christopher Roosevelt is interviewed. The park there is the only international park in the world. Every day at 3pm tea was served. In 1921, Roosevelt suffered an attack of polio at Campobello. Stephen Smart, current mayor of Campobello, is interviewed. Roosevelt returned to Campobello in 1933.
Lee Cowan does offshore oil rigs in the piece "Roughing It." Average income $80,000 per year. "Biker Mike" is a roustabout who is interviewed. Hercules 173 is owned by Chevron and is about 3 miles off the coast. One shift is noon to midnight. Keith Sullivan is the cook. Chuck Bradley has worked 20 years; two weeks on; two weeks off. Michael Broome: you have to have a special heart for it. Temp at 106deg with mud pumps. Pictures of Deep Water Horizon. Brandon Scroggins: that was worst case scenario.
Lucy Kraft on a ghost island off the coast of Japan. On top of a coal mine. Timochi Kobata became a coal miner in 1961. Hive like community at Hachima. Brian Burke Gaffney discusses the tight conditions of the island. After 80 years, coal mine closed in 1974. Tourists now visit: how fast prosperity can turn to dust. Once resources depleted, lifestyle collapses.
Mo Rocca does islands famous in history. Key West is first. Then, 70 miles to the west is Garden Key, and Fort Jefferson. After war of 1812, US built sea forts; Jefferson, started in 1846, is the largest. 16 million bricks. There is only one entrance. Dr. Samuel Mudd's cell is shown. Dr. Mudd treated yellow fever victims, and obtained a pardon. Construction stopped in 1889. The fort, on a sand bar, is sinking. [The allusion to a crocodile in the moat, made in the preface, did not appear in the main story.]
Osgood talks about pirates, the signature spirit of the Caribbean. Seth Doane on making rum. The French island of Martinique. Agrico. Molasses is distilled into rum. Ed Hamilton is interviewed; Brian's in Milwaukee. Most rum is made from molasses. Bacardis in Puerto Rico. Joe Gomez is Bacardis master blender. In 1862 Cuba. Gomez showed vats of molasses with the yeast. Once ferments for about a day; distilled, then aged. Bacardis finest rum sells for $2000 per bottle.
Nancy Giles on a cooks tour of kitchen islands. Kitchen islands by J.D. Cuchina. Urban Homes. Elizabeth Cromley at Northeastern University. In the 1970s kitchen island gains traction. Johnny Gray looked for perfect place (sweet spot) for kitchen island. Andrew Solomon: place that is warm and friendly. "Graph of Happiness" maxes out between 7 and 10pm. More than 50% of newly constructed homes have kitchen islands.
"How's he doing" is Rita Braver interviewing Ed Koch. When Koch took over, NYC was on verge of bankruptcy. Koch cleaned up Times Square. Koch won three terms in office, but lost on his try for the fourth. He wrote books and was a tv judge. Still does a radio call-in show. The Queensboro Bridge now named for Koch.
An island of exile. Mo Rocca on Elba. Napolean exiled there, and would be emperor there. Giuseppe Bertolini discussed the flag with three bees. 1937 movie: Conquest. One can view Corsica. Napoleon left Elba. Lost at Waterloo. Exiled to St. Helena.
Richard Schlesinger of 48 Hours visits West Virginia. Green Bank, WVa. A radiofrequency quiet zone. Protects a radiotelescope. Radio detection truck hunts down rogue radio signals. Limit the radio waves. Diane Skow moved here from Iowa was convinced radiowaves making her sick.
The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, or GBT, is the world’s premiere single-dish radio telescope operating at meter to millimeter wavelengths. Its enormous 100-meter diameter collecting area, its unblocked aperture, and its excellent surface accuracy provide unprecedented sensitivity across the telescope's full 0.1 - 116 GHz operating range, a larger frequency (energy) range than any other telescope.
Thousand Islands by Martha Teichner. Eric Roberts did a movie. 1864 islands in St. Lawrence River. In late 1800s, thousand islands became fashionable. George Boldt, manager of Waldorf-Astoria. Shane Sanford. Louise and George Boldt took a cruise. Oscar of the Waldorf served it. Story 2 in Clayton, New York. Paper disintegrated. Sophia made up recipe. May Irwin. Mary Dylan at Thousand Island Inn. Story 3. Blackstone Hotel in 1910. 200 million dollars worth of Thousand Island Dressing bought per year.
Mo Rocca on Atlantis. Hollywood ripping off Plato. Plato described a glorious city. James Romm. Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Patrick Duffy. Minnesota Congressman Donnelly.
Bob Schieffer: Mitch McConnell. Next week on Sunday Morning: Lee Cowan with Jimmy Johnson.
Moment of Nature by Spiriva: Giant Manta Ray off Mexico's San Benedicto Island.
[Oddities: no almanac. Why didn't Osgood do news?]