Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Facebook: "Yahoo contacted us at the same time they called the New York Times and so we haven't had the opportunity to fully evaluate their claims"

Reuters discussing the assertions made by Yahoo to Facebook in the article, Yahoo, Facebook Patent War Looms.

IPBiz reminds Facebook of the COX-2 inhibitor case, wherein the University of Rochester sued Searle the day the patent issued, without bothering to inform the New York Times.

Similarly, note also the law suits in the Butamax/Gevo biofuels area.

***Separately, on the subject of Facebook, see the complaint filed in CD California,
EveryMD v. Rick Santorum, ... with paragraph 4:

Defendant RICK SANTORUM (“SANTORUM”) is a Facebook business account holder whose Facebook page has a URL of https://www.facebook.com/RickSantorum. SANTORUM has a place of business at Post Office Box 37, Verona, PA 15147.


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