Friday, April 01, 2011

Jabba the Hut coming to CBS?

On 31 March 2011, Jabba the Hut was invoked first in CSI's "Hitting for the Cycle" and then in the Mentalist's "The Red Mile," both of which were heavy on deaths. "Cycle" even had a "Hut" like character, and a sexual comment about "doing more with thumbs."

The title of the Mentalist episode ("The Red Mile") is a play on Stephen King's "The Green Mile," which related to the execution of a wrongfully convicted John Coffey. Of IP issues, Stephen King wrote "The Green Mile" in installments, in a fashion analogous to Charles Dickens, who lobbied hard against American rip-offs of his copyrighted work. Of course, a parody of a title (Red Mile/Green Mile) is a different matter. Or did the Simpsons already do it?


Hitting for the Cycle wherein the
comment I really had to focus my suspension of disbelief to imagine that both cases could be solved in one night. CSI is notorious for playing fast and loose with the time it actually takes for crimes to be solved, but this story went a little further than it should have. rings true in a real world where it takes a week to find a cobra in the Reptile House at the Bronx Zoo.

The Green Mile

The Red Mile : Patrick Jane's repeated final words to the dying medical examiner were "It's there and then it's gone," a bit more negative than in "The Green Mile," wherein aspects of John Coffey lived on.


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