Plagiarism at Bowdoin
Based on the annual reports presented by the Bowdoin Judicial Board, the most common type of academic indiscretion at Bowdoin over the past 12 years has been plagiarism or sharing answers on an assignment that was completed outside of class.
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Laura Lee, who is also the head faculty member on the Judicial Board, confirmed this statement in an e-mail to the Orient.
"Based on cases that have come before the Judicial Board, plagiarism, usually in the form of cutting and pasting from internet sources, is more prevalent than cheating during an exam," Lee wrote.
Foster remarked on the nature of cheating at Bowdoin.
"Plagiarism and inadequate citation of sources may be easier for faculty members to identify than cheating that occurs during unproctored or take-home assignments and exams," he said.
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