Monday, July 26, 2010

Google helps to fight plagiarizing bloggers

from helium:

Google has come to the rescue. Google will not allow content thieves to make Adsense commissions from stolen content. Google can insist that the offending content be removed, or that attribution or other suitable arrangement be made with the author. If the content thief does not comply, the thieves’ Adsense account can be cancelled for life. Since the content thieves’ intent is to generate Adsense income from the stolen content, the threat of having that income source cut off for life is serious indeed. Few content thieves want to “take on” Google.

How to File a Complaint with Google

If the following instructions seem lengthy, don’t be discouraged; this process takes only about five minutes to perform. What’s five minutes to protect work you spent hours or days to create?

Go to the page which has the stolen content and locate the Adsense ads. Google Adsense ads are identified by a link above or below the ad block which says “Ads by Google”; which is a live link. From the offending page, click the link. You will be taken to a page entitled “What are Ads by Google”? After the first paragraph, you will find the sentence “if you'd like to report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw, please let us know". Click the link, and you will be taken to the bottom of the same page, to a drop-down menu that says “Report a Policy Violation…”. Choose “the website” from the drop-down menu, and you will be taken to the complaint menu. Choose “The site is hosting or distributing my copyrighted content, without my permission” button. When you make this choice, another link will display which says “File a DMCA complaint”. Click the DMCA link.

Hmmm, file a DMCA complaint....


Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, this could be simple or REALLY difficult to police.

Simple - if someone does a simple cut and paste job, then it is easier to nail them unless they attribute their content to the original source.

Difficult - with so many blogs and articles being written, one could simply replace a few words (e.g. replace marketing consultants with IP legal services professionals within a piece) and reproduce entire articles. How easy will it be to deal with such cases?

It is still plagiarism, and is something that will inevitably happen a lot more as more people publish content but don't want to create it.

Once the DMCA complaint is filed, then what? I think some education is needed on what this involves otherwise many people will not bother.

Finally - Google needs to make a bigger push to educate Adsense users about the pitfalls of plagiarism. It has to do so in simple language and perhaps get EVERY Adsense user aware of its policies because not many will be aware or, even worse, would care.

2:24 PM  

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