Saturday, November 28, 2009

CJ Michel: "If they get it a little wrong, it will do a lot of harm"

Chief Judge Michel of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on the impact of error by Congress in patent reform: "If they get it a little wrong, it will do a lot of harm."

Of testimony gathered by Congress on patent reform: "No judge was ever called as a witness, which seems to me a bit odd It's mostly corporate people from a limited number of companies."

One recalls that a variety of professors testified before Congress on patent reform.

The article by Kristina Peterson began:

The retiring chief judge for the federal patent appeals court may start his own intellectual property think tank, where he will press for limited congressional meddling in U.S. patent law.

One suspects the judicial handling suggested by CJ Michel is a bit different from that proposed by Prof. Mark Lemley.

**Also on patent reform, from Dale Carson


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