Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Joseph Wu of Stanford on iPS cells

A CNN story titled Study: Human fat yields multipurpose stem cells about work of Dr. Joseph Wu at Stanford was interesting for what it did NOT mention.

There is not one word about iZumi, which bought up the rights on iPS from Bayer, which work preceded the Yamanaka work on iPS. [See the IPBiz post:
The patent world of iPS (stem cells): Yamanaka, Bayer, and iZumi

There is no mention of UCLA, Pittsburgh, or of Marc H. Hedrick, Prosper Benhaim, Hermann Peter Lorenz, and Min Zhu.
[See the IPBiz post:
Hedrick loses appeal on inventorship of stem cell patent

There is no mention of CIRM or of Proposition 71, either.

From the CNN story:

Scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered that the millions of fat cells removed during liposuction can be easily and quickly turned into induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, more easily than the skin cells that researchers used when the first iPS cells were created in 2007.


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