Favreau pic with Hillary Sikahema'd from Facebook
(e.g., Obama Sikahemas earlier criticism of troop surge). An interesting Sikahema event now surrounds Jon Favreau, who was recently appointed director of speechwriting for the [Obama] White House.
As background, Favreau, with a 2003 degree in political science from the College of the Holy Cross, met Obama at the 2004 Democratic convention. Then a speechwriter for Kerry (and one year out of college), Favreau was sent to interrupt Mr. Obama’s rehearsal of his keynote convention speech to ask him to cut an overlapping line. Of some relevance to the Sikahema event, Favreau's "lofty rhetoric over substance" approach was targeted by Hillary Clinton during the New Hampshire primary.
Of the Sikahema event, the following photo (depicting Favreau (left) with a Hillary Clinton cut-out, reproduced from the Washington Post) was on Facebook for about two hours on Thursday, Dec. 4, before being removed (along with most Favreau pictures)-->

In passing, a Dec. 5 New York Times piece, under a subheadline Carries as baggage: Not much did not mention the Sikahema event with the Clinton cut-out. The NYT should have been reading the Dec. 4 WaPo post.
A Los Angeles Times blog wrote:
The embarrassing photo comes at the same time as Obama had re-issued an appeal to his supporters to make minimum $100 donations to Clinton's deceased campaign to help retire some $7 million of remaining debts, now that Clinton is on Obama's political team as its chief foreign affairs representative.
Wouldn't you like to be at that first White House Obama Cabinet meeting come January? One suspects Favreau might be too busy writing elsewhere to attend.
The British Independent wrote:
In another picture, the 27-year-old Favreau (credited with inventing the 'Yes We Can' slogan that became Mr Obama's rhetorical trademark) is seen placing his hand on Ms Clinton's cardboard chest, while a friend is pressing a beer to the lips of the former first lady and outgoing New York Senator.
But what the internet giveth, it can instantly take away. According to the popular 'The Loop' column of the Washington Post, which first reported the incident, the pictures were taken down in a couple of hours. All that remains on the site is an utterly unexceptionable profile shot of Mr Favreau.
Thus, we have an IP term "trademark." One wonders whether "fair use" will broaden to include copying (scraping) to preserve internet text from the Sikahema effect?
***Other Obama Sikahema events -->
Holy Sikahema, Batman; Obama agenda disappears from the internet?!?
Gold-plated debate?
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