Sunday, July 27, 2008

Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute confused?

In his post of 25 July 2008, Bob Park wrote:

By now everyone has heard the news frenzy over Ronald Herberman, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, advising faculty and staff to limit cell phone use because there is no proof that it's not a cancer risk. Nonsense! All cancer agents act by disrupting chemical bonds. In a classic 2001 op-ed LBL physicist Robert Cahn explained that Einstein won the 1905 Nobel Prize in Physics for showing that cell phones can't cause cancer. The threshold energy of the photoelectric effect, for which Einstein won the prize, lies at the extreme blue end of the visible spectrum in the near ultraviolet. The same near-ultraviolet rays can also cause skin cancer. Red light is too weak to cause cancer. Cell-phone radiation is 10,000 times weaker.

Einstein won the 1921 Nobel for several discoveries in physics. The underlying data for the photoelectric effect concerned metals, which have different types of chemical bonds than do human beings. Einstein's work was PUBLISHED in 1905, in Annalen der Physik on March 17, 1905. Refer to a previous IPBiz post on the photoelectric effect. In a later post, Park stated: Why did Ron Herberman, a law abiding immunologist and administrator, who probably hasn't had a parking ticket in 20 years, decide to flout the conservation of energy, the most fundamental law of physics?

The idea that the energy of UV/visible radiation can disrupt chemical bonds and the energy of radiowaves cannot is generally correct, except in the western part of Pennsylvania. John Kanzius of course is splitting water with radiowaves, at least according to some. Bob Park has not fully connected all the dots on this one. Confusion in the Pittsburgh area is more rampant than Park realizes. Maybe it's because copper sulfate is a metal in western Pennsylvania? Separately, one notes that the radiowaves which might cause cancer according to Herberman are the same radiowaves used to cure cancer by Kanzius, all in western Pennsylvania. There is no word on whether Lesley Stahl has connected the dots, as she's still entranced with the "hot dog" experiment.

In passing, one wonders if the harm envisioned by Herberman tracks the Haber relation, in which case the intense radiowaves of Kanzius might indeed be harmful, if indeed there were harm in the first place.

See also

Breitbart wrote:

The warning from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, was based on early, unpublished data and came despite numerous studies that haven't found a link between increased tumors and cell phone use. But it's struck a nerve among parents who already have other reasons to resist their children's entreaties.


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