Friday, June 13, 2008

Kanzius, and burning water, again

Go-Erie has posted portions of a June 2008 interview between John Kanzius and the Erie Times-News Editorial Board. The post noted:

He spoke for 50 minutes about his invention, which is being tested at world-class research institutes as a cancer-killing machine and a device that converts saltwater to energy.

Of the latter, fuel issue, the interview demonstrated that Kanzius is absolutely clueless about the thermodynamic issues:

Q What is happening with research at Pennsylvania State University about using the device to "burn" saltwater? There has been debate on the subject that it takes more energy to heat the saltwater than the chemical reaction releases.

A Everyone says it's all about "energy in, energy out" but (Rustum Roy, a Penn State professor who is leading saltwater-to-energy research on the device) said it costs $1.35 to make a gallon of ethanol and nobody complains about that and the fact it has more carbon releases in it than gasoline. Everyone says this is green. This is the way to go. (Roy) said, "Wouldn't you rather have something that gives off pure drinking water as a by-product and may be nearly as efficient as ethanol?"

If you got the idea that Kanzius didn't answer the question, you are right. It would take more energy (which, in the US, comes mostly from fossil fuels) to make the electricity to make the hydrogen than one gets out of the hydrogen. That's a net negative.

Other aspects of the interview give one an idea of what this about -->

Q How much of an economic impact would hosting human trials have for Erie?

A I see it being a big windfall. Erie will have a device not available elsewhere in the country except for a handful of places, like Houston, Minneapolis, Boston and places on the West Coast. It puts this community in a prestigious and elite status. Patients from Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh will come here for treatment, at least until there are enough devices built to send to those cities.

Q Is there going to be a movie about your life and invention?

A I'm waiting for (the movie's producer) to put out a press release. (It's a) major motion picture company in Los Angeles, but they haven't (issued) a press release yet, so I've been asked to embargo that. ... They have mentioned different people (to act in it), but it's the availability of the actors and actresses.

Q What's the latest information you can tell us about cancer research of your device at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center?

A Researchers at M.D. Anderson have targeted specific cancers that they have proven -- this was the $64,000 question -- can we get the nanoparticles where we want to get them? They have proven they can get them where they want to get them, in specific tumors. That manuscript will be out in July or early August. ... I can't give you more information about it (because) the journals get very upset if the press gets the information and peer-reviews it before they have a chance to send it to their medical people for evaluation.

(Dave Geller, M.D., principal investigator of Kanzius' device at UPMC) has an article coming out in Surgery magazine in August that talks about gold nanoparticles and the ablation of cancers in the livers of rats.

In a post about claims by one Anthony Brown [Holy water? Christian man's car 'gets 100 miles per ounce'
'I've just been asking for a way the Lord to show me to raise money rapidly' ], WND does mention the Kanzius work:

John Kanzius, a retired broadcast engineer from Sanibel Island, Fla., experimented with radio waves and salt water.

"On our way to try to do desalinization, we came up with something that burns, and it looks in this case that salt water perhaps could be used as a fuel to replace the carbon footsteps that we've been using all these years, i.e., fossil fuels," Kanzius said.

Duh, where does Mr. Kanzius get the energy to run the rf machine to take the water apart? In most cases, fossil fuels. All he's doing is using fossil fuel energy to inefficiently create hydrogen, a net drain on everybody and hardly a replacement of "carbon footsteps."

See also:

Mass confusion on burning water?

See also a post on erieblogs:

In a WSEE interview with John Kanzius of Erie (not yet posted on their site), Kanzius said that researchers led by Dr Steven Curley at the University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center have found a protein enzyme that will carry metallic nanoparticles exclusively to cancer cells. This is a monumental breakthrough. A paper announcing the discovery will be published in the next few months. Targeting cancer cells and attaching the nanoparticles to them was the necessary step for use of the Kanzius designed radio wave machine. High-powered radio waves are focused on cancer cells and destroy the cell membranes. Kanzius earlier explained that when the body is hit by the flu, a fever causes the flu cells to overheat and the membranes are destroyed. Radio waves act like the fever with cancer cells. The non-invasive cancer treatment is today much more of a reality than an idea.
Human trials could now start by 2010. The John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation is actively seeking donations for research.

IPBiz notes that it will be interesting to learn of a protein enzyme that will carry metallic nanoparticles. Note that LBE studied the gold-containing carbon deposits of the Witwatersrand carbon leader.

For other criticism of Kanzius, see

Our energy problems are solved! NOT


Blogger Dennis Weed said...

Right now the best method of hydrogen production is from natural gas. This should be a MUCH better method.

5:09 AM  

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