Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chemistry approach promising less expensive drugs [?]

In April 2007, IPBiz wrote:

The paper at page 1759 [315 Science 1759] is by a team of Princeton University chemists, with first author Teresa Beeson. Of the paper, chemlin wrote:

Most drug molecules that pharmaceutical companies produce can exist in two different forms, which are mirror images of one another. Though both forms of an organic molecule - known in the chemistry world as "enantiomers" - have the same chemical formula, their effect on the body can differ dramatically.

The Princeton Weekly Bulletin wrote on 9 April 2007:

With a newly discovered method of assembling organic molecules, a team of Princeton chemists may have found a way to sidestep many of the expensive and hazardous barriers that stand in the way of drug development.
The new approach allows scientists to synthesize molecules without employing toxic catalysts, and it also does not generate alternate versions of drug molecules that can damage the body, two perennial issues that plague the manufacturing process. David MacMillan, one of the researchers on the team, said the discovery is important not only for its industrial applications, but also because of the new research possibilities it opens up.

Note published application 20070203186, assigned to Merck. Note also published application 20060189830 (from 11/334997).


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