Thursday, October 11, 2007

New development in plagiarism matter related to Cha and CIRM

Further to the duplicate publication matter involving a paper in Fertility & Sterility of which K.Y. Cha was an author, JeongHwan Kim (the author of the original thesis and of the first paper, in Korean, in KJOG) informs IPBiz that SH Lee, who submitted the duplicate publication to the American journal Fertility & Sterility, has been sentenced to a six month prison term (with a stay of one year) in South Korea. [This report is subject to confirmation.]

Of interest to American readers, the Korean court requested Fertility & Sterility
to present the first manuscript (of great relevance to whether or not Kim was a named author) but Fertility & Sterility declined, saying they did not have the manuscript. This would be very unusual practice for a journal not to keep a manuscript (or copy thereof), as the manuscript was initially submitted; it would be like the Patent Office not keeping a copy of a patent application as it was filed.

The journal Fertility & Sterility withdrew earlier charges of plagiarism and of perjury.

Separately, see bioedge 269

included is Hillary Clinton describing Bush's limits on funding for embryonic stem cell research a "ban on hope".

Within the link is a discussion of something that well may be a use for embryonic stem cells:

Three leading European pharmaceutical companies have teamed up with the British government to investigate the usefulness of embryonic stem cells for drug testing. GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Roche have each contributed £100,000 and the government £750,000 to form a consortium. This body will develop effective ways of using human embryonic stem cells to screen for potentially lethal side effects of new drugs before they are used in clinical trials. Other companies are expected to join the initiative soon. It is called Stem Cells for Safer Medicines Ltd.

Also within is the text:

Science has a serious marketing problem, Google co-founder Larry Page told scientists earlier this year. He even suggested that the solution was tying tenure and grants to the media impact of research. Without going this far, communications expert Matthew C. Nisbet, of American University, has created a stir amongst US scientists by urging them to "frame" their messages so that the public will buy them.

"If scientists don't evolve in their strategies, they will essentially be waving a white flag, surrendering their important role as communicators," he writes in the magazine The Scientist. In recent times, sailing has not always been smooth in areas like evolution, plant biotechnology, nanotechnology, and climate change.


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