Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Economic implications of patent reform

While Senator Leahy's staff was meeting on patent reform, the following also happened on September 24, 2007 in Washington, DC:

8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. BIOTECH PATENTS — The American Enterprise Institute hosts a forum, “Biotechnology and the Patent System: The Economic Implications of the Proposed Patent Reform Act of 2007.”

9 a.m. Panel I: The Patent System and Biomedical Research. Panelists: Ashish Arora, Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University; Richard Johnson, Arnold & Porter; and Mark Rohrbaugh, NIH Office of Technology Transfer.

10:25 a.m. Panel II: The Patent Reform Act of 2007. Panelists: Robert Armitage, Eli Lilly and 21st Century Coalition; Mark Chandler, Cisco and Coalition for Patent Fairness; E. Anthony Figg, Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck and ABA; and Bryan Lord, AmberWave and Innovation Alliance. Moderator: Ted Frank, AEI.

Location: Wohlstetter Conference Center, 12th Floor, AEI 1150 17th St. NW.

***Of Richard Johnson-->

In addition to receiving his JD from the Yale Law School where he was editor of the Yale Law Journal, Johnson received his MS degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he was a National Science Foundation National Fellow.

***Rohrbaugh has noted:

The NIH Office of Technology Transfer administers over
1,500 active licenses and approximately 2,400 patents and
patent applications. In fiscal year 2002, we received more than
$51 million in royalties from licensees. This accounts for
about two-thirds of the royalties collected by all Federal
laboratories combined.

This leads me to a brief discussion of the Bayh-Dole Act of
1980, which applies to recipients of Federal funds. As you
mentioned, Mr. Chairman, the Act provides incentives to move
federally funded inventions to the private sector where they
benefit the public. With a few exceptions, the legislation does
not prescribe methods to be used in the licensing of these
inventions, but the institutions must agree to pursue practical
application of inventions, and to provide the U.S. Government
with a royalty-free right to use the inventions for government


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