Thursday, April 28, 2005

Seiko sues over printer cartridges

from PCWorld:

Seiko Epson asserts that certain printer cartridges made by Arcor, of Nantes, France, and Multi-Union Trading, of Hong Kong, infringe on several of its cartridge-related patents. Seiko Epson, along with two U.S. affiliates, filed lawsuits against each of the companies in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland.

In both cases, Seiko Epson is asking the court to enjoin the companies from continued infringement. [contemplate the effects of proposed patent reform on this action.] It is also asking for payment equivalent to triple the damages it claims to have incurred, and for its legal costs.

The lawsuits come shortly after a federal judge issued a summary judgment that 23 of Multi-Union's cartridges from the initial complaint infringe on Seiko Epson's patents, according to Seiko Epson.

Printer makers such as Seiko Epson typically make most of their profits selling cartridges for their printers. Companies such as Arcor and Nantes sell replacement cartridges that typically cost less and carry less well known brands.


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