Sunday, January 08, 2012

"The Good Wife" on January 8, 2012

The first new episode of "The Good Wife" in 2012 was a blockbuster, relating to a divorce case done by the character David Lee, which led to the sale of a company called "Bubble Elastics." Then, there were problems. The initial play against Lockhart, Gardner was for alienation of affection, but this moved into perjury and fraud.

In "The Good Wife," an intentional tort malpractice claim is brought against the firm for $44 million. It was stated that each partner would be liable for $1.2 million. Note 44/1.2 is 36.67, which is not an integer.

The topic of throwing partners "under the bus" arose during the show. A clause in the partnership agreement allowed a majority of the partners to project liability onto the partner causing the malpractice. Clause 63 of the partnership agreement. David Lee to Eli: You are gone. You are do gone you might as well clean out your desk. Eli to David: Nice to meet you buddy.

The topic of entries on the computer database also arose. A key rider on conflict of interest was missing from the database. The outcome of the $44 million lawsuit depends on the one document. Will said "This is an IT problem."

Alisha reviewed her day planner to refresh her memory about the document in question. Finally, a hard copy of the rider was found in Kerry's files, but there are still issues about the origin of the document. Is it the real rider? "You do not poke holes in your own testimony." Because of other turns in the plot, the absence of the rider document from the electronically scanned record is never explained in the episode.

The character Wendy Scott Carter shows up.

At the end of the episode, Diane explains things to David and Eli: It's a new economy. This is an office of expediency. Stop bickering. I won't have it.

The episode ends with a subpoena served to Will Gardner.


Blogger ci said...

Does anyone know what the violin piece played throughout the episode, but most notably at the beginning and end, is?

10:03 PM  

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